Stop Alienation & Racism

“Knowing its origins and its purpose is a prerequisite for any positive human action”.

It is time for Africans, for blacks, to realize who they are and to look more and more at their past.

We owe to the truth to recognize, that the approach of many scholars, many white writers, especially those who wrote before and during colonization, suffer from irritating prejudices or sobering ignorance.

Sometimes, disparaging clichés and stereotypes cast doubt on their good faith. Often, it is a bad European centrism that leads them to project on Africa ideas of demonization of the realities of the continent, and of its large-scale characters, easily assimilated to bloodthirsty potentates, brutes or banal uncivilized kinglets.

While it should be recognized that all was not great, in African history as in the rest of all countries of the world, just like all places where people live in society and in community.

We must be careful not to darken it further and above all to minimize or trivialize great values, whose knowledge many scientists have plundered to make them famous, without having the intellectual honesty to cite their source.

Why did Africa choose to follow?

When you follow someone, you always stay behind!

Why this alienation?

Nowadays, colonial and neocolonial Africa has sold its reason to the colonizers and its faith to the Arabs. Both the educational and religious system of the African is exogenous. The people of Africa are Europeanized and Arabized from all points of view.

This is the gangrene that will destroy Africa and the original civilizations.


Our societies are becoming more and more multiracial and without roots.

There is no need for conquest, war, pandemic, vaccination or invasion to transform people. If the essential element of a civilization declines, all of it sinks. The combination of branches from different trees gives a set without roots.

What is the future of a tree without a root?

The meeting of civilizations allows multiple exchanges and mutual enrichment, but it is important that each people, each group respect its origins and its roots. While it is obvious that it is the abundance of different species of trees that make the forest rich, we must also accept the fact that the coconut palm does not produce palm nuts.

We must retain the concept of ethno-biological kinship in the broadest sense against reductionism which is profoundly contrary to humanism. Any black person, who questions his traditions, questions his Africanness.

 More generally, to deny the ethnic or biological dimension of men is to deny their humanity.


The black must understand his internal and intimate realities in objectivity and historical conformity, with respect for the points of view of others, even if we do not share them. We need to invest in the black man’s point of view, in what he has to say about pride in Africa’s past and encouraging its future.

The path of a black man must be the one of his traditions, the voice of the voiceless, the path of an authentic African vision, free from prejudices and other Afro-pessimism with which the foreigner covers him and blackens him.

For the black man, history should not be a narcissistic mirror, nor a subtle pretext for avoiding today's tasks. This alienating diversion would risk diverting him from the scientific goals of the undertaking. On the other hand, ignorance of one's own past, that is to say, of a large part of oneself, is even more alienating.

All the evils that plague Africa today, as well as all the opportunities that reveal themselves, are the result of countless forces, propelled by history.

Unless we opt for unconsciousness and alienation, we cannot live without memory, or with the memory of others.


The history and memory of peoples, this return to oneself is liberating like the plunge into oneself by psychoanalysis which, by revealing the bases of the fetters of our personality, at the same time unties the complexes that bind our consciousness to the roots of obscure subconscious. In order not to truncate one myth against another, historical truth, the matrix of disalienated and authentic consciousness must be firmly tested and founded on evidence.


To allow blacks to look with confidence towards their future, to allow them to fully play their role, role of mother of civilizations in order to lead this changing world, towards a better and more enlightened humanity.


The whites have established a system of theory, individual and collective belief that there are races in mankind and a hierarchy between them. These theories serve to legitimize the racist doctrines which seek the domination of white race, regarded as pure and superior.

White racism is used to justify enterprises of marginalization of Ghettos, all over South Africa and elsewhere, segregation, exclusion, annihilation, genocide, etc.

For centuries, white racism has expressed itself in different ways:

- Slavery


- Anti-Semitism

- Indian, Armenian, Rwandan genocides etc.

- Nazism, the Shoah

- Apartheid in South Africa

- The segregation of blacks in the United States, with the creation of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK)

- Segregation in the Caribbean Islands

- Neo nationalism

How can white people come to this racist behavior and consider themselves as human?

This is worrying!

The least that can be said is that they are amnesic, ignorant or inhuman.

They have amnesia:

  • They forgot that they were born from blacks only 12,000 years ago during the melting ice,

  • They forgot that for over 300,000 years, there were only blacks in all continents,

  • They forgot that all civilizations were created by blacks,

  • They forgot that blacks created geometry, 1500 years before Archimedes, these black found the exact formula S = 2πr2 to measure the surface of a hemisphere. Figure that the Greek Archimedes considered being his biggest and most important discovery. They are only thieves, looters!

  • They forgot that black found the formula C = πD and which gives the length of the circumference, formula established 1400 years before its alleged Greek inventor. 

  • They forgot that blacks invented algebra, trigonometry, arithmetic, mechanics

  • They forgot that the African Imhotep is the founder of medicine, centuries before Hippocrates,

  • They forgot that whites played only a secondary role until the last few centuries.

The whites, on the other hand, have cultivated two values.

- The first is to loot and kill the holders of the knowledge,

- Destroy and erase the traces and achievement of their black masters.


Can they now build the pyramids of Egypt that they could not destroy?

Their technical, technological and scientific competence falls short of what the black Egyptians did more than 6,000 years before Jesus Christ.

It should be remembered that the divine mission, the celestial mission of the black is to build a civilized and humanizing world. It was a crazy and unimaginable thought for black to develop weapons to destroy. Is it a twist to be peaceful?

White people on the other hand, thieves and looters, have developed a powerful army to erase the traces of their Machiavellian crime.


White people need to know that they have plundered knowledge but not knowledge, and that, this knowledge is still here.

It is necessary that they know, the systems used and put in place for the exploitation of the looted knowledge are inappropriate and will lead them towards their self-destruction.

- Their individualism destroys humanism,

- Their Cartesian system is a real brake on all the human sciences that blacks have created, developed, cultivated through the ages before them,

- And for more than 300,000 years, before the arrival of the whites, the blacks were able to maintain harmony between all people, on all continents,

- In just a few centuries of Machiavellian, narcissistic and sadomasochistic domination, whites are not far from endangering the human species and the future of our humanity.

This is worrying!


The current behavior of white can only be justified by fear, they are afraid. 

-The fear of being lost. They have no reference, they no longer know where they are going, have no landmarks, ignore their origins and do not know how to return to where they came from.

-The fear of starving which leads them, with their weapons, to plunder the riches of the South,

- The fear of being in the minority because their population is aging, and their wives increasingly sterile.

STOP RACISM !, because it is better for you white people.

- It's better for you because even if Africa is bleeding, it will always be itself.

- It's better for you, because Africa is ruled by spirits, and who are superior to your armaments,

- It's better for you, because you risk to destroy yourself. The most powerful in weaponry will destroy the less powerful, and the economic system will bring them to their knees,

- It is better for you, that the black has the knowing and the knowledge, to restore harmony and cohesion between peoples,

- It's better for you, because only black people can put universal spirituality back at the center of our lives, and in all continents

- It is better for you because, only blacks can lead men and the world towards a better and more enlightened humanity



Black Slaves Never Existed


Real History of Africa