Humanity Network
International Chapters
PROMETRA has chapters in 28 countries. Each chapter is independent and has complete autonomy. Additionally each chapter is officially recognized by its national government. While chapter are in various stages of development, all (except USA) are associated with official traditional medicine organizations. The goal is to unite traditional healers into a formal global organization and promote traditional medicine through research and partnerships.

Our mission is to heal the wounds of humanity through building a network of healers that leads the world in the promotion and production of medicines and treatments from Africa to solve global health problems.
Network Activity

Spirit, joy, culture, ritual, cuisine, connection, knowing, rhythm, movement, royalty, transcendence, and transformation are just a few of the words one could use to describe Prometra’s Way of Remembering pilgrimage 2021. This years WOR pilgrimage was accentuated by the coronation of the King, Prometra’s President, Dr. Erick V. Gbodossou.