Our team brings years of experience to bear on the greatest challenge of our time. We’re results driven and evidence based, with a proven record of prior success. Our mission is to advance African medicines and treatment solutions that will result in profound healing for humanity.
Featured Research Areas
Visite Morehouse School of Medicine à Malango
Prometra's preventive solutions for Covid-19 pandemic
Presentation of the collaborative research between Morehouse School of Medicine (Atlanta/USA) and Prometra International (Dakar/Sénégal). Natural prevention to the Covid-19 presented by Dr. Erick Gbodossou, President of Prometra International
Présentation des recherches collaboratives menées entre Prometra International et la Morehouse School of Medicine d'Atlanta/USA, sur le traitement des virus. Solutions préventives naturelles présentées par le Dr. Gbodossou, président de Prometra International, à la pandémie du Covid-19.
PROMETRA believes in sound and rigorous research standards. Overseen by an International Scientific, Ethical & Legal Advisory Committee, we work with scholars, researchers, students, and apprentices in the areas of Natural and Social Science research.
Some of our current research areas include HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Diabetes Mellitus, Dermatosis, Viral Hepatitis, Malaria, COVID-19, cancer, African traditions & culture, spirituality systems, nutrition, and immunization.
Working to improve the relationship between modern and traditional medicine. PROMETRA hosts workshops and conferences. PROMETRA actively participates in international meetings and serves as consultants to health organizations, international work groups, and advisory boards. Our project’s purpose is to address the health issues of Africa (and the world) through the development and production of safe, efficacious, affordable traditional herbal medicines, food additives, and nutriceuticals. Additionally, provide a system of sustainability and community development for African NGOs working in the area of traditional knowledge.
Research Centers
Fatick, Senegal
Clinical observational studies are conducted at the Center for Experimental Traditional Medicine (CEMETRA) located in Fatick, Senegal. CEMETRA is a regional center of excellence where all studies performed under the supervision of an international Scientific and Legal Advisory Committee composed of international scientists, academicians. lawyers, patients and traditional practitioners. CEMETRA boasts the fourth best equipped laboratory in the Republic of Senegal.
Uganda Forest Training School
Mpigi, Uganda
PROMETRA Uganda is working with the “Buyijja Forest School” in the Ugandan District of Mpigi to improve healthcare for rural populations and protect forests. The objective is to reduce poverty and improve the living conditions of people living in the Buwama district of Uganda by strengthening traditional healthcare and expanding the use of ecological methods of cultivation. Those seeking to train as natural healers attend weekly courses on how to recognize common diseases and treat them with herbal medicines.