PROMETRA International Shares Stage with Ambassador Andrew Young & NIH Directors
PROMETRA International President, Dr. Erick Gbodossou, presented at the Morehouse School of Medicine’s Office of Global Health Equity Symposium held in Atlanta, GA USA on November 28, 2018. The Symposium was attended by over 400 participants seeking to answer the question, What is Global Health Equity?” All participants were challenged to identify the role that they will play in achieving global health equity.Dr. Gbodossou was joined by Ambassador Andrew J Young on the panel, Complementary & Integrative Approaches to Global Health Wellness. A 15 minute version of the documentary, Strong Medicine: The Secret Power of African Healing preceded the conversation with research scientists of Morehouse School of Medicine, Dr Michael Powell and Lead Scientist Mahfuz Khan. The research partnership between PROMETRA International, the Andrew J Young Foundation and Morehouse School of Medicine continues to conduct research into the safety and efficacy of African natural products.
The Symposium also featured a conversation with three Directors of the US National Institutes of Health, Drs. Roger Glass, Anthony Fauci and Gary Gibbons. International participants from Zambia, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, and Haiti shared reports of successful programs occurring in their nations. USAID, CDC and PAHO representatives also participated in this global symposium.Watch the full version of Strong Medicine Documentary about Morehouse School of Medicine Final Symposium Program