Chapter Address
Buyijja, sous-comté de Buwama, district de Mpigi. Ouganda
Chapter President
Dr. Sekagya Yahaya Hills
Traditional Healer, Cert. PPM, Dip. Law, BDS-(Dental Surgeon), MPH, PhD-Fellow
Dr. Sekagya is PhD Fellow with Mbarara University of Science and Technology. He is a traditional healer by calling since 1978, holds a Certificate in Project Planning and Management, a Diploma in Law, a Medical Degree in Dental Surgeon, and a Masters of Public Health. Sekagya is the Director of PROMETRA Uganda (NGO), Founder of Dr. Sekagya Institute of Traditional Medicine, Secretary General – National Integrated Forum for Traditional Health Practitioners in Uganda, Board Member of National Drug Authority (NDA) of Uganda (2017-2020), Secretary Board of Directors; International Indigenous HIV/AIDS Community (IIHAC) based in Canada, and Member of Technical Committee Uganda National Bureau of Standard 405 Health Services Standards, Member PROMETRA International headquartered in Dakar – Senegal. He is a traditional healthcare spiritualists with a major interest is promoting traditional medicine and healthcare in its totality.
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Chapter Address
Buyijja, sous-comté de Buwama, district de Mpigi. Ouganda
00256 750 95 64 90
Contacts Uganda
Adresse : Buyijja, sous-comté de Buwama, district de Mpigi. Ouganda
Email :
Tél : 00256 750 95 64 90
Whatsapp : 25677240 39 00