Chapter Address
BP 326
Allada, Bénin,
Benin, a French-speaking West African nation, is a birthplace of the vodun (or “voodoo”) religion and home to the former Dahomey Kingdom from circa 1600–1900. In Abomey, Dahomey's former capital, the Historical Museum occupies two royal palaces with bas-reliefs recounting the kingdom’s past and a throne mounted on human skulls. To the north, Pendjari National Park offers safaris with elephants, hippos and lions.
Chapter President
Emmanuel Agbikossi Anato
Traditional medicine practitioner approved by the Ministry of Health
Agronomist in plant production
Rural Development Inspector, Forestry sector
President of Prometra Benin since 2017
Son of a traditional healer, he inherited his first knowledge of traditional medicine from the latter. Trained as an engineer in environmental management, he deepened his knowledge of the subject through university medical studies on plants. He is currently retired for more than 14 years after serving in the civil service of his country, Benin. During his professional career, he served among others as:
Communal responsible for agricultural promotion;
Consultant within the framework of the Mono-Couffo Agricultural Development Support Project;
Consultant within the framework of the Mono-Donga Integrated Agricultural Development Project;
Consultant within the framework of the activities of the National Union of Poor Peasants of Benin;
Responsibilities at the level of the Ministry of Health through its Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine Promotion Program:
Departmental President of Traditional Medicine Practitioners in Mono;
Production manager in charge of medicines, protection of flora and fauna in Benin;
Responsible for the environment and botanical gardens in Benin.
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Get in touch with
Chapter Address
BP 326
Allada, Bénin,
Contacts Bénin
Adresse : BP 326, Allada, Bénin
Email :
Tel : 00229 95 71 02 56
Whatsapp : 00229 97 79 66 96