PROMETRA USA hosts Fulbright Scholars
PROMETRAUSA hosts Fulbright Scholars
PROMETRA USA in partnership with Morehouse School of Medicine and the Georgia Council for International Visitors welcomed 2019 Fulbright Scholars to Atlanta, GA USA for a partnership dinner. PROMETRA USA board members Michele Ozumba and Kofi Kondwani represented the organization. Fulbright scholars from nine countries enjoyed an evening of discussion, networking and fellowship. Scholars are pursuing advanced education in multiple areas:
Visiting Fulbright Scholars 2019
The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.
Georgia Council for International Visitors
GeorgiaCouncil for International Visitors (GCIV) is a nonprofit organization that wasfounded in 1962. The GCIV mission is to build relationships between the peopleof our state and leaders around the world. Its vision is that every Georgiacitizen has the opportunity to be more globally engaged. GVIC works with theU.S. Department of State to develop a broad spectrum of professional andcultural exchange programs for emerging global leaders. Our non-partisancitizen diplomacy programs provide Georgians with unique opportunities to sharebest practices, insights, and friendship with distinguished visitors to theUnited States. GCIV administers the U.S. Department of State’s InternationalVisitor Leadership Program in Georgia. In 2001 the GCIV national network was nominated for the NobelPeace Prize for its efforts to foster international understanding.
MorehouseSchool of Medicine
Morehouse Schoolof Medicine (MSM), located in Atlanta, Ga., was founded in 1975 as the MedicalEducation Program at Morehouse College. In 1981, MSM became an independentlychartered institution. MSM is among the nation’s (USA) leading educators of primary care physiciansand was recently recognized as the top institution among U.S. medical schoolsfor our social mission. Our faculty and alumni are noted in their fields forexcellence in teaching, research and public policy. MSM is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, Accreditation Councilfor Graduate Medical Education, Council on Education for Public Health, LiaisonCommittee on Medical Education and Southern Association of Colleges andSchools.
Mission of Morehouse School of Medicine
We exist to:
- Improvethe health and well-being of individuals and communities
- Increasethe diversity of the health professional and scientific workforce
- Addressprimary health care through programs in education, research, and service
- Withemphasis on people of color and the underserved urban and rural populations inGeorgia, the nation, and the world.