Celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day - August 31st

Celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day - August 31st

In July 2003 the African Heads of State and Government endorsed a plan of action for the first Decade of African Traditional Medicine. The World Health Organization Africa Region (WHO AFRO) officially designated August 31st of each year as African Traditional Medicine Day. PROMETRA International and its network of 28 global chapters celebrates African Traditional Medicine Day and calls upon the world to recognize, respect, conduct research and partner with our systems of African traditional medicine and traditional knowledge. PROMETRA chapters throughout Africa host individual meetings, conferences, ceremonies and public events to honor our system of African Traditional Medicine  Dr. Erick Gbodossou, President of PROMETRA International shares PROMETRA International’s annual presentation with our network and partners.2016 African Traditional Medicine Day - French2016 African Traditional Medicine Day - EnglishWe share a photo of our African Traditional Medicine logo and its meaning.      A description of this logo:  African Traditional Medicine Logo

  • The map of Africa denotes African ownership of African Traditional Medicine.
  • The medicinal plant, rose-colored pure flower represents the main raw materials used in traditional medicine.
  • The green background of the map of Africa denotes the rich African biodiversity.
  • The blue colour surrounding most of the African continent represents the bodies of water, which surround most of Africa, and are additional sources of some traditional medicines.

- The golden ring which houses all the other elements is a reflection of the golden competitive advantages that African Traditional Medicine offers with potential impact on the health, economy and development of African communitiesWHO AFRO Traditional Medicine Web Post http://www.afro.who.int/en/clusters-a-programmes/hss/essential-medicines/african-traditional-medicine-day.html 


PROMETRA International celebrates 2016 Annual African Traditional Medicine Day August 31st


PROMETRA presents at SCOLMA African Medicine Matters - Cambridge University