Coumba Lamba USA brought together healers from Senegal, Nigeria and five Native American tribes in a ceremony designed to unite traditional knowledge practitioners and advocates from different parts of the world.
The ceremony took place August 11-19, 1996, at the Penn Center of St. Helena Island, South Carolina. The location chosen for the ceremony had its own special significance, for the Center is devoted to the preservation of the Gullah/Sea Island culture brought across the Atlantic Ocean by West African slaves.
The ndepp ritual that took place over the eight days of the conference was conducted by the renowned spiritual healer, Maam Adji Fatou Seck of the Lebu people of Senegal.
The ritual ceremony was a response to the heartfelt need of many African-Americans to reconnect with their ancient heritage and experience healing from it.
It was also intended to link African healers with Native American medicine people in a spirit of cultural exchange and mutual enhancement of healing knowledge from both sides of the Atlantic.