One-On-One With African First Ladies and Spouses of Heads of State
One-On-One With African First Ladies and Spouses of Heads of State/ Government United Nations General Assembly Side Meeting Centre for Social Innovation
September 2014 – PROMETRA International Vice President, Dr. Virginia Floyd served as the moderator for the United Nations General Assembly Side Meeting, Health Care and Education Interventions in Africa – A Conversation of Innovation and Collaboration. The gathering of African First Ladies was convened by the Princess Nikky Breast Cancer Foundation and the TET Foundation. Program sponsors included Medtronic, VMP Nutrition, Centre for Social Innovation, the Coca Cola Company and Global Health Strategies.The meeting focused on the issues of health and education and the development of effective strategies by the Offices of First Ladies throughout the continent of Africa. Health presentations were made by Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General Family Health, WHO Switzerland; Anuradha Gupta, Deputy Chief Executive Officer GAVI Alliance, Switzerland; Yvonne Chakka Chakka Performing Artist, Entrepreneur and Humanitarian UNICEF and Roll Back Malaria Goodwill Ambassador and MDG Envoy for Africa, South Africa; Dr. Leslie Mancuso President & Chief Executive Officer, Jhpiego USA; Ann McMikel Vice President – Global Partnership and Planning American Cancer Society, USA. Education presentations were made by Jill Bishop, Director of the TET Foundation, USA and Thomas Collette Executive Director, Education Innovation Agilix, USA.First ladies and government representatives from Nambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Comoros, Gambia, and Rwanda made presentations on the status of health and education in their individual nations. PROMETRA International and its partners Morehouse School of Medicine and the Andrew J Young Foundation are pleased to support the efforts of the Offices of the African First Ladies. [av_one_third first av_uid='av-58hpxv'] [/av_one_third][av_one_third av_uid='av-4qln7n']
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